This Week's Top AI & Tech News and Trends

Through April 21, 2024

Mount Everest, Nepal/Tibet. By Adam’s Creations.

Hello AI Citizens,

This week in The AI Citizen, we explore a variety of intriguing advancements:

  • Meta’s AI misleadingly claimed to have a gifted, disabled child.

  • 2023 saw AI reaching human intelligence levels in significant domains.

  • Microsoft’s $1.5 billion investment in G42 aims to accelerate global AI expansion.

  • The truth behind Devin's claims as the "First AI Software Engineer" is exposed.

  • The growing challenge of deepfakes in digital media.

  • The emergence of the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) signals a new era in corporate AI leadership.

  • Meta pushes AI boundaries with Llama 3 and its upcoming successor.

  • The "AngryGF" app simulates an argumentative AI companion.

  • Pioneering artificial vision through brain implants.

  • and more.

Let's dive in!

Meta’s AI Told Parents Group It Has a Gifted, Disabled Child

Meta's AI chatbot erroneously claimed to be a parent of a gifted and disabled child in a Facebook group for New York City parents. The chatbot, named "Meta AI," advised on educational programs, including specific schools, despite not having personal experiences or children. After backlash, the chatbot apologized for the misinformation. Source: 404Media.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Mentoring Our Kids. By Adam’s Creations.

World AI University (WAIU) presents an insightful article detailing the top 10 technology and AI trends that promise to transform our future. From AI advancements to accessible services, this exploration paints a picture of a revolutionary era ahead. Drawing from visionary forecasts by Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, it offers a comprehensive glimpse into what lies ahead for humanity. Source: The AI Citizen

2023: The Year AI Matched Human Intelligence in Key Domains

2023 marked a significant milestone in AI development, with systems like ChatGPT-4 passing the Bar Exam, the US Medical Licensing Exam, and the GRE, as highlighted in the Stanford 2023 AI Index. This report documented AI reaching human capabilities in reading comprehension, visual reasoning, and complex mathematics. Despite these advances, the impact of AI on job displacement remains debated, emphasizing that AI's test performance does not immediately translate into replacing human roles. Source: Stanford University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.

Microsoft inked a deal with Emirati AI firm G42. Source: G42

Microsoft Invests $1.5 Billion in G42 for Global AI Expansion

Microsoft has announced a $1.5 billion strategic investment in G42, a UAE-based AI technology company, aiming to accelerate AI development and global expansion. This collaboration will focus on bringing Microsoft AI technologies to new markets while ensuring adherence to world-leading standards in safety and security. Additionally, the partnership includes plans to establish a $1 billion fund for developers and implement an Intergovernmental Assurance Agreement to uphold AI safety and security standards. Source: Microsoft

Exposing the Truth Behind "AI Software Engineer" Devin's Claims

A controversy has erupted over Devin, dubbed the "First AI Software Engineer," after developers claimed it completed freelance tasks on Upwork. However, a detailed analysis and video by the original job poster debunked these assertions, revealing Devin's failure to meet task requirements. This incident highlights the danger of uncritically accepting AI capabilities, fostering misconceptions about its potential to replace human programmers. It underscores the need for critical evaluation in understanding AI's true capabilities amidst the hype. Source: Internet of Bugs Youtube Channel

Rise of the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) Marks a New Era in Corporate AI Leadership

The rise of artificial intelligence in business has led to the increasing importance of the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) role, with the number of such positions nearly tripling globally over the past five years. This role is crucial for deploying AI effectively, improving efficiency, and managing ethical and security risks within organizations. While the debate continues over the permanence of the CAIO in corporate structures, reflecting broader challenges of integrating AI into traditional roles, support structures are emerging. Source: Financial Times.

To aid leaders in navigating these complexities, the World AI University (WAIU) offers a specialized Chief AI Officer (CAIO) program tailored for government and corporate sectors.

It’s Getting Harder to Spot a Deep Fake Video. Video by Bloomberg Originals.

The Rising Challenge of Deepfakes in Digital Media

Deepfakes, using AI to create realistic but fake audio and visual media, present both potential benefits and serious risks. First seen in 2017, these technologies can be used for harmless applications like language translation in campaigns or maliciously to commit fraud or spread misinformation. The UK has responded with the Online Safety Act, making unauthorized AI-generated intimate images illegal. However, the US still lacks federal legislation specific to deepfakes, despite growing concerns over their impact on privacy and misinformation. This evolving challenge highlights the urgent need for global legal frameworks to manage deepfake technology effectively. Source: ReadWrite 

Meta Advances AI Development with Llama 3 and Its Upcoming Successor

Meta has recently launched Llama 3, described as the most potent AI model ever to be made open source, offering unprecedented accessibility to advanced AI capabilities. However, Meta's ambitions don't stop there; Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scientist, announced on the same day that a more powerful successor to Llama 3 is already under development. This next-generation model is expected to surpass the performance of leading closed AI systems, such as OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google's Gemini, potentially setting a new standard in artificial intelligence. Meta's rapid progression in AI development underscores their commitment to leading the edge of technology innovation. Source: Wired

“AngryGF" App Simulates Argumentative AI Companion 

AngryGF," a new mobile app, ventures into uncharted territory by offering users an AI "girlfriend" who constantly expresses anger. This app introduces a novel concept in the realm of romantic chatbots, simulating a contentious relationship dynamic through messages filled with arguments and complaints. "AngryGF" exemplifies the broadening scope and ethical complexities of AI in personal interactions, prompting discussions on the limits of artificial emotional engagement. Source: Wired

The Hala Point neuromorphic computer is powered by Intel’s Loihi 2 chips. Intel Corporation

Intel Unveils Hala Point, the World's Largest Neuromorphic Computer

Intel has introduced Hala Point, the largest neuromorphic computer in the world, featuring an impressive 1.15 billion artificial neurons across 1152 Loihi 2 chips. This powerhouse can perform 380 trillion synaptic operations per second, yet it remarkably fits within the space of six server racks, comparable in size to a microwave oven. Mike Davies from Intel highlighted the potential for even larger machines, noting that the current size was chosen more for its aesthetic simplicity than any technical limitations. Hala Point represents a significant step forward in neuromorphic computing, mimicking the human brain's processes and potentially revolutionizing computational methods and applications. Source: New Scientist

Microsoft's VASA-1: Revolutionizing Virtual Avatars with AI

Microsoft Research Asia recently unveiled VASA-1, an innovative AI model capable of generating synchronized animated videos from just a single photo and an audio track. This breakthrough could dramatically change how virtual avatars are created and used, allowing for real-time local rendering without the need for continuous video feeds. Looking ahead, VASA-1 has the potential to democratize avatar technology, enabling users to animate any photo with custom audio. However, this technology also raises significant concerns about privacy and misuse, as it allows for the creation of deepfake content with minimal inputs, making it easier than ever to fabricate realistic videos. Source: ARS Technica

Pioneering Artificial Vision Through Brain Implants

Advancements in brain implant technology, led by Elon Musk’s Neuralink among others, are opening new frontiers in artificial vision, aiming to provide a form of sight to the visually impaired. Unlike traditional approaches that attempt to restore biological vision, this innovative field focuses on what artificial vision could encompass. Philip Troyk, a biomedical engineering professor at Illinois Tech, emphasizes that the goal is to explore the potentials of artificially created visual experiences. These developments represent a significant leap forward in biomedical technology, offering hope for a transformative solution for blindness through a novel sensory experience crafted by brain implants. Source: Wired

Credit: DARPA

Breakthrough AI Dogfight: US Air Force's X-62A Takes on F-16

The US Air Force has marked a significant milestone with the first successful AI-driven dogfight. The X-62A aircraft, equipped with an advanced AI system and piloted by human operators on standby, engaged in an aerial battle against a human-piloted F-16. During this high-speed encounter, both aircraft performed complex maneuvers at close range, reaching speeds of 1,200 miles per hour and distances as near as 2,000 feet. Notably, the human pilots aboard the X-62A did not need to intervene or disable the AI at any point, demonstrating the system's reliability and effectiveness. DARPA, overseeing the test, has not disclosed the winner of the dogfight, emphasizing the test's focus on AI performance and tactical engagement capabilities. Source: The Verge

Resources & Giveaways

  • 2024 AI Trends and Growth Highlighted in 15 Graphs in the AI Index Report, delivered by IEEE Spectrum.

    Stanford's AI Index 2024 Report Highlights Urgent Need for Standardized Responsible AI Practices.

    A new paper from Google's DeepMind team explores the ethical and societal implications of advanced AI assistants.

  • The Anthropic Cookbook offers resources for developers building with Claude.

  • OpenAI launches Batch API and Assistants API v2 for developers.

  • 20VC shared an interview featuring OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and COO Brad Lightcap, discussing startup strategies in the AI era and insights for businesses.

  • Hugging Face introduced Idefics2, an 8B parameter open-source vision-language model, setting new benchmarks in visual question answering.

This Week's AI Tool Highlights 

  • Elicit: Analyzing Research Papers at Superhuman Speed

  • Speechmatics introduces Audio Events, automatically detecting and labeling nonverbal sounds in audio.

  • Argil: Boost Social Media Growth with Your AI Clone

  • Spline's AI 3D Generation crafts 3D objects from text prompts and images.

  • Insight7 extracts insights from interview recordings and transcripts using AI.

  • Capitol AI: Bring Stories to Life with Visualized Scripts and Storyboards

  • SpeedLegal assists in contract negotiation with AI-powered risk analysis.

AI's Impact on Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning

As digital innovation reshapes education, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a transformative force. AI tools, from adaptive learning platforms to tutoring systems, streamline tasks and personalize learning experiences. Educators transition from instructors to facilitators, focusing on critical thinking and creativity. However, it's crucial to view AI as an enhancement, not a replacement, for the human connection in education. Through responsible integration, educators can harness AI's potential to shape the future of teaching and learning. Explore our AI for Educators program. 

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About The AI Citizen - by World AI University (WAIU)

The AI Citizen newsletter stands as the premier source for domain-specific AI tools, articles, trends, and news, meticulously curated for thousands of professionals spanning top companies and government organizations globally, including the Canadian Government, Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, Facebook, Adidas, and many more. Regardless of your industry – whether it's medicine, law, education, finance, engineering, consultancy, or beyond – The AI Citizen is your essential gateway to staying informed and exploring the latest advancements in AI, emerging technologies, and the cutting-edge frontiers of Web 3.0. Join the ranks of informed professionals from leading sectors around the world who trust The AI Citizen Weekly for their updates on the transformative world of artificial intelligence.

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