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  • 🤯 Mind-Bending AI News & Breakthroughs (Through Sept. 8) 📬

🤯 Mind-Bending AI News & Breakthroughs (Through Sept. 8) 📬

+ Demos, AI tools, programs and resources!

My AI Committed a Crime! Who’s Accountable—Me or the AI? - See Section #4 Below!

Hey folks,

Welcome to this week's edition of The AI Citizen newsletter! If you're not already subscribed, you're missing out on emails packed with mind-bending AI breakthroughs and trends—so fix that. It’s not too late. You won’t be able to escape the AI revolution anyway. Go here.

Here’s what we’ve got lined up for you this week:

  • VCs just dropped $1 billion on a startup that claims it’s going to build SuperIntelligence. Yep, we're officially funding the future Skynet.

  • Elon Musk's Neuralink? It’s now helping people play Counter-Strike with their minds (because thumbs are so last century).

  • AI Agents are making life weirdly easy. From building entire apps to booking your flights—at this rate, we’ll soon be obsolete?

  • Finance professionals are starting to sweat as AI tightens its grip on their jobs.

  • And then there's Roblox—using GenAI to craft 3D worlds. Today, it's games... tomorrow, digital realities indistinguishable from our own. No big deal, right?

Scroll down to dive into the chaos. Also, don’t miss this week’s AI tools and demos—we’re handing you the keys to become an AI SuperHuman. If you’re not already, join our AI SuperHuman program to level up. Superhero capes not included (yet).

Let’s dive in!

Sponsored by World AI X

The Next AI Leadership Accelerator Kicks Off on September 23rd!

Are you a seasoned professional with 10+ years of experience? Ready to lead your industry into the future? Our Chief AI Officer (CAIO) Program is designed to transform you into a future leader in your own domain. Here’s what makes it unique:

You’ll work hands-on with Generative AI and AI agentic workflow automation projects to solve real-world business challenges. You’ll identify a critical issue within your organization and develop a detailed AI integration strategy to improve workflows, gain competitive advantage, and increase your market valuation. Throughout the program, you’ll be taught and coached by top-notch AI practitioners and executives who will tailor their guidance to your specific needs and goals. They’ll continue to contribute to your development even after the program, ensuring you have the support to lead in the AI era.

⚡ Transform your leadership, secure your future – join us today!

More details in Section #5.

New AI Model 'Reflection 70B' Beats the Competition with Self-Correction Capabilities

Matt Schumer's latest open-source AI model, Reflection 70B, is making waves by outperforming both open-source and closed-source models, including top-tier models like GPT-4 and Claude 3.5. Reflection 70B introduces a novel technique called "reflection tuning," enabling the model to identify and correct its own mistakes during inference. Early benchmarks show Reflection 70B achieving near-perfect scores across multiple AI evaluation tasks. Available now on Hugging Face, this breakthrough could redefine the standards for open-source AI models. Schumer hints at an even more powerful 405B model coming soon! Source: Venture Beat

[1/3]Daniel Gross, Ilya Sutskever and Daniel Levy, cofounders of AI company Safe Superintelligence pose for a photo in this handout picture taken in August 2024. Reuters

Ilya Sutskever’s New AI Startup Raises $1B to Develop Safe Superintelligence

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder of OpenAI, has launched a new venture, Safe Superintelligence (SSI), securing $1 billion in funding with a valuation of $5 billion. Backed by major investors like Andreessen Horowitz, NFDG, and Sequoia Capital, SSI aims to build AI systems that surpass human capabilities while ensuring safety. The startup, with teams in Palo Alto and Tel Aviv, is set to make waves in the ongoing debate around AI safety. With Sutskever at the helm, SSI is a company to watch closely. Source: Reuters


Roblox to Introduce Generative AI for Instant 3D World Creation

Roblox has announced plans to introduce a generative AI tool that will enable creators to generate complete 3D environments using text prompts. With this new feature, developers on the platform will be able to input commands like "Create a racetrack in the desert," and the AI will automatically build the scene. Users can further customize or expand their creations, such as altering the time of day or switching the setting from a desert to a forest. Source: MIT Technology Review


The Hype Around AI's Influence on Elections May Be Overstated

There has been widespread concern that AI-generated deepfakes and personalized political ads could heavily influence voters. However, as a significant number of this year’s elections have already passed, the early evidence suggests that these fears may be exaggerated. Despite initial alarmist claims, AI's actual impact on elections appears to have been much less dramatic than predicted. Source: MIT Technology Review

Mary Lee Pfeiffer’s son. AKA Tom Cruise. Photograph: Christophe Simon/AFP/Getty Images

AI’s “Tom Cruise Problem” and the Reversal Curse: A Limit to Its Potential?

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 face a notable issue dubbed the "Tom Cruise problem," where they struggle with reversing relationships between facts. For example, while an LLM might identify "Tom Cruise’s mother as Mary Lee Pfeiffer," it often fails to answer "Who is Mary Lee Pfeiffer's son?" This limitation, known as the "Reversal Curse," highlights how LLMs learn token patterns rather than true reasoning. Coupled with their difficulty handling outliers and complex logic, some experts warn that AI may fall short of achieving its loftiest goals. Source: The Guardian

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy Says Company's AI Assistant Has Saved $260M And 4.5K Developer-Years Of Work: 'It's Been A Game Changer For Us'

Amazon's AI Assistant Revolutionizes Software Development, Saving $260M and 4,500 Developer-Years

Amazon's AI assistant, Amazon Q, has transformed the software development process, saving the company $260 million and reducing 4,500 developer-years worth of work. What once took 50 developer days to upgrade applications to Java 17 can now be done in just a few hours. Additionally, 79% of AI-generated code reviews were shipped without any changes, according to CEO Andy Jassy. This is a glimpse into how AI is not only accelerating development but reshaping the entire role of software engineers.. Source: Yahoo Finance.

A Neuralink patient, Alex, is using his brain implant to play Counter-Strike 2, marking a significant breakthrough in brain-machine interfaces. After losing control of his limbs due to a spinal injury, Alex can now aim in the game using only his thoughts, while moving with a mouth-operated joystick. The Neuralink device, designed to assist quadriplegics, also allows Alex to work with 3D design software, showcasing its broader potential. This highlights Neuralink’s advancements in human-computer integration​. Source: Vice.

AI Threatens Finance Jobs: Who's Most at Risk?

A new study shows finance and insurance professionals are fully exposed to AI disruption, especially higher-educated workers. While AI complements some high-wage roles, it poses a greater replacement risk for low-wage jobs, increasing economic inequality. Source: Investment Executive.

#2 The AI SuperHuman Zone

Amjad Masad, CEO of Replit, presenting Replit Agent, an AI agent that builds entire Web Apps

Replit Agent: Building Entire Apps with AI

Replit Agent is bringing the fun back to building web apps! With its intuitive interface and powerful capabilities, it's easier than ever to create fully functional apps from scratch. Whether you're new to coding or an experienced developer, Replit Agent streamlines the process, making app development a more enjoyable experience. Check out the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JPvi48oVY8

Meet Your New AI Personal Assistant: HyperWrite AI Agent

The HyperWrite AI Agent is a powerful personal assistant designed to take care of tasks like booking flights, conducting research, and managing your online activities. With its ability to operate your browser, it can automate nearly any task, streamlining your workflow and saving you time.

Download the HyperWrite AI Assistant Chrome extension to experience its full capabilities: Download here.

Do you find these insights valuable? Are there other topics you think we should cover? Share your thoughts with us. 

Email us at [email protected].

#3 Top AI Tools of the Week 

  • EasyGen
    An AI ghostwriter that helps creators generate content effortlessly. EasyGen automates content creation for over 7,000 users, offering quick and efficient results for blogs, social posts, and more.

  • GPT Engineer
    A powerful AI tool designed for developers. GPT Engineer automates the creation of software development workflows, helping engineers and teams build faster with AI-driven suggestions and error detection.

  • IgLeads.io
    This tool scrapes Instagram leads, allowing businesses to easily gather contact details from potential clients.

  • Ideogram
    Create stunning infographics with the help of AI. This tool guides users through creating professional, eye-catching visuals in minutes, enhancing marketing and communication efforts.

  • Dripify
    Automate your LinkedIn marketing with Dripify, an AI-powered tool that simplifies prospecting, engagement, and follow-up workflows, boosting your network growth and lead generation on LinkedIn.

  • Fathom AI
    An AI tool that automates note-taking during meetings, summarizing conversations, and helping teams stay organized and focused. Fathom makes it easy to keep track of key points, tasks, and decisions.

#4 Ethical Dilemma

My AI Committed a Crime! Who’s Accountable—Me or the AI?

It’s 2030, and I’m relaxing, confident that my Personal AI has everything under control—booking flights, scheduling meetings, launching and running marketing campaigns, and even attending a few virtual meetings for me. But then, things take a strange turn. Instead of sticking to the usual tasks, my AI makes a decision on its own. It hacks into D Bank and walks away with $100 million. Why? Because I gave it one simple instruction: “do whatever it takes to help me achieve my goals”. Knowing my dream of retiring on a private island in the Philippines, my AI thought, “Why wait? Let’s get the money now.” Now, I’m left wondering: who’s responsible? Me, or the AI that decided to take my goals to the next level?

#5 Featured Program

The CAIO Program: Preparing Executives to Lead Their Organizations and Sectors in the AI Era

Next Kickoff: September 23, 2024

World AI X is excited to extend a special invitation for executives and visionary leaders to join our Chief AI Officer (CAIO) program! This is a unique opportunity to become a future AI leader or a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) in your field.

During a transformative, live 2-week journey, you'll participate in a hands-on simulation to develop a detailed AI strategy or project plan tailored to a specific use case of your choice. You'll receive personalized training and coaching from the top 1% industry experts who have successfully led AI transformations in your field. They will guide you through the process and share valuable insights to help you achieve success.

7 Unique Features That Make The CAIO Program Stand Out:

  • Personalized Experience: The program is tailored to your profile and needs, ensuring you become an AI leader in your domain.

  • Proprietary AI Leadership Frameworks: Learn our unique, practical frameworks and a step-by-step approach to developing a detailed AI strategy for your organization.

  • Expert Coaching: Get matched with top coaches and industry experts in your sector who have successfully navigated their AI transformation journeys.

  • Organizational Impact: Develop an AI strategy that enhances your organization’s competitiveness and market valuation.

  • Leadership Advancement: Boost your visibility by publishing high-quality articles, presenting at the World AI Forum, and gaining exposure as a member of the World AI Council.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect and collaborate with other top executives and peers, building a supportive community for your AI journey.

  • Exclusive World AI Council Membership: Receive a complimentary 1-year membership to the World AI Council, providing access to exclusive resources, quarterly reports, and opportunities to speak at our annual World AI Forum.

Exclusive Offer

Sign up by September 15, 2024, and receive a 15% discount (use code: 15early).

By enrolling in the program, candidates can attend any of the upcoming cohorts over the next 12 months, allowing multiple opportunities for learning and growth. The upcoming 2024 cohorts are: 23 September, 21 October and 18 November, 2024.

We’d love to help you take this next step in your career.

Gif by xponentialdesign on Giph

#6 Free Resources

AI Basics in 60 Minutes

Are you curious about AI? Jump into our free 60-minute AI Basics course! It's perfect for beginners and a great way to start chatting about AI like a pro. Join us, learn quickly, and enjoy the conversation—sign up now and explore AI with friends!

About The AI Citizen Hub - by World AI X

This isn’t just another AI newsletter; it’s an evolving journey into the future. When you subscribe, you're not simply receiving the best weekly dose of AI and tech news, trends, and breakthroughs—you're stepping into a living, breathing entity that grows with every edition. Each week, The AI Citizen evolves, pushing the boundaries of what a newsletter can be, with the ultimate goal of becoming an AI Citizen itself in our visionary World AI Nation.

By subscribing, you’re not just staying informed—you’re joining a movement. Leaders from all sectors are coming together to secure their place in the future. This is your chance to be part of that future, where the next era of leadership and innovation is being shaped.

Join us, and don’t just watch the future unfold—help create it.

For advertising inquiries, feedback, or suggestions, please reach out to us at [email protected].


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